Postgraduate studies

Hello everyone! Today I am gonna write about some postgraduate studies I think I will take in the future.

Since I want to work in the justice system as a forensic psychologist, I must have postgraduate studies that speciallice in forensic psychology. This is the main reason to take the course, because graduating from Universidad de Chile as a general psychologist just isn't enough, I need to speciallice.

I would like to study forensic evaluation subjects, and evaluation on children and adults. I would like to study in Chile, since the knowledge I need to learn must be in this speciffic context and in this particular justice system.

Also, I would like to have presential classes, I do not like having online or distance learning classes, because I believe the best way to learn is face to face with someone who can teach you things.

In today's world, I believe it's pretty difficult to just graduate and go to work, because many places asks you for postgraduate studies such as Phd's or masters, and that creates a system where having a universitary degree such as an academic title, just is not enough. I wonder what would happen when everyone presents to a job interview with PHD's and masters: what are they going to ask for then?

It's so sad to see that capitalism is making ourselfs to lose more and more time of our lifes in studying for having a job...


  1. I agree with you, the capitalism is killing us, in my case i've been studying for like 17 years (kinder, básica, media and university studies). IS TOO MUCH :(

  2. Sound interesting the forensic psychologist.
    I too believe that the best way of learn is in presencial classes

  3. stupid capitalism and their over exploitation, at the end of the day we only work and study, what about live? :(


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