
Showing posts from December, 2018

English in my life

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about my experience learning english at university.  First of all, I should start saying that I decided to take the english class and not exempt myself of it because I believed that my english was a bit rusty, and I thought that refreshing my knowledge and start practicing my oral interaction would help me improve my habilities. I think that the english of the university is pretty nice in order to give us the basic habilities we need to develop ourselfs in the academic world. I also believe that the use of blogs helps us to improve our writing habilities about differents subjects.  I believe that the aspects of my english that need to be improved are my pronunciation, my use of vocabulary and my grammar, since I commit mistakess very often in those topics. I think I will improve that by starting to speak with other people, maybe natives of the english languaje, and by watching movies without subtitles.  I use english very much outside the cla

My study programme

Hello everyone, today I'mm gonna talk the changes I'd make to my study programme. Since I'm studying psychology in Universidad de Chile, I would start by changing the currículum of the programme, and turn it into a more practical curriculum, since the current curriculum do not prepare us for the jobs that we want to work in. Every subject is so theoretical and we don't know how to present ourselfs when we are face to face with the people we're gonna work with, we don't know how and what to do as psychologist. For that reason, I believe that the curriculum should aim for preparing us to put into practice the things that we learn, and not just keep them in the theory. Also, I'd make changes to the subjects teached in the curriculum, and eliminate the one's that do not help us to grow up as good psychologists, as, for example, Historia Social de Chile. Also, I would check the workload of the subjects, because I believe that there're some subjects th

Summer 2018

Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna write about my plans for vacation this summer. I would like to go the beach, and I believe I'm going to go to El Tabo, since I have a cabin there, and I also think that my family and I are going to travel outside Chile if we find a nice offer. I don't truly know where exactly does my mom want to go, but she told us about the idea along the year, so I believe that, in any case, we are going somewhere new, maybe outside Chile, maybe inside Chile, but the travel goes. I would like to be with my childhood's friends from the beach, because we all share the community where our cabins are, and therefore we've known each other since we were kids. In the cabin's complex, we have a lot of activities along summer, like sports competitions, bingos, movie nights, and many other activities that take place in the cafeteria everyday at 22:00, and I'm planning to participate in every sport activity, specially the football championship and