Personal information on the internet

In a society highly connected, it's not rare to see ourselfs with profiles in many social medias like facebook, instagram, among many others, and it's not rare to be asked to share personal infomation in them, such as interests, places you want to go, members of your family, where do you study/work, among others. We must be careful when sharing personal information, because the internet is full of people and it's public (even if we got our profiles as "private" there is information that others users can see) and it's not the same publishing your interests, than the members of your family. We never know what are the intentions of the people who uses the internet, and we must protect ourselfs and the ones we care about. 

My favorite social media is Instagram, because of memes, but I'm very careful about publishing my photos and I don't publish anything about my personal information or my relative's. 

We must understand the diference between the information that can be published (assuming all the consecuences of doing so) and the information that's important and must remain private (such as names, adress, phone number, etc.). 

It's not safe to publish your personal information, specially if your profile is "public", be careful when using social media, and be aware of the consecuences of opening your life to everybody.


  1. I agree with you Matias, about the risk of publishing personal information, especially your house address, or your mobile number, it’s very important to protect our self and the others.

  2. I LIKE INSTAGRAM BECAUSE OF MEMES TOO :D and i agree about share personal information, is very dangerous for everyone on the internet :O

  3. The best of social media are the "memes"! One can find a variety of memes that surprise for their creativity.


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